Sunday 24 February 2013

UKIP Yeovil Annual General Meeting

Saturday 23rd February     11.30 am

The Henhayes Centre

South Street Car Park   Crewkerne  TA18 8DA


Followed at 12.15 pm by a Free Public Meeting

with Guest Speaker

Steve Crowther, UKIP Party Chairman

Authority on Wind Turbines


All Welcome


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Latest News

As a hot topic of concern for local people, wind turbines have now joined the tremendous increase in house-building across Somerset. Yeovil UKIP is contributing to the Somerset YouTube project on Wind Turbines and the Public Meeting with Guest Speaker Steve Crowther will play a part in that.
The sub-committee continues to keep an eye on the various planning proposals for increased housing development,  recognising that this is happening all over the country, never mind all over the county.  Moves are being made by Yeovil UKIP for areas to co-ordinate and work together with other area’s groups in protest.
Regular leafleting continues.